It’s hard to ignore the cost of inflation as prices are higher for everything from eggs and milk to cars. In fact, inflation rose 61.80 percent between 2002 and 2022. Much of that increase came in the last couple of years, with inflation rising by 12.45 percent between...

Dear DW: How do I complain to my manager about a colleague’s insensitive comments in a way that ensures my concerns are heard and taken seriously? Signed, Afraid of Causing a Backlash or “Blacklash” Dear Afraid, Complaining about a colleague or work situation can be tricky in the best...

Shortcuts Struggling to turn down new commitments? These strategies can help you decline with grace. Keep explanations short. No one has to know why you can’t take on the obligation. A simple “I won’t be able to do this right now” will suffice. Acknowledge what saying yes would...

Next: Carolina Acosta took a trip to Latin America that changed the course of her life. “It’s where I first reconnected with my Latina roots, being half Colombian and half Dominican,” the 29-year-old New Yorker says. “I connected to the countries that I was visiting, particularly Colombia where...

By Mariette Williams The birthplace of the automobile industry and Motown music, Detroit is a wonderful city to visit in springtime, as the city defrosts, restaurant patios open, and flowers bloom. The downtown district has undergone a recent revitalization, and an influx of bars, restaurants, hotels, and...

Rest—and not just a good night’s sleep—is essential if we want to be at our best. Here are some tips to help you find that elusive rest. By Sheryl Nance-Nash Rest is the new holy grail—though, while it is a necessity, it’s often viewed as a luxury. In...

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