Your Career

As many of us have learned over the last two years, working from home can be exhausting. Here’s how to cut your hours back to a manageable load. [caption id="attachment_11251" align="alignleft" width="600"] 3d rendering of Wall Clock Stack. Countdown, reminder, deadline concept.[/caption] Set work-time boundaries. Let colleagues know your availability...

Dear DW, How do I respond to a microaggression that is said in a group setting? I’m comfortable responding in a one-on-one situation, but I normally just sit there when other people are around, hoping someone else says something. Signed, Tongue-Tied Dear Tongue-Tied, Microaggressions are subtle statements or actions...

Want to advance your career? Learn how to project your confidence and shine bright. Women may hold up half the sky, as the saying goes, but we’re still a long way from getting equal promotions into senior management and appointments to boards. If you’re aiming for a...

Soccer star Megan Rapinoe shone a spotlight on the need for equal pay for women athletes. Turns out equity is also a problem in the senior leadership ranks. Gaming information website researched the number of women in leadership roles of male professional sports teams in the...

A 2019 Korn Ferry study found that more than a third of workers—34 percent—waste two to five hours each week in unproductive calls or meetings. That’s time that can better be spent doing deep work like finishing a report, revamping a strategic plan, or revising training materials....

Become a Virtual Virtuoso Now that you’re taking meetings from home, you still want to command presence. These tips will help you convey the right message. Keep your camera on. It’s easier to be overlooked when your camera is off, says Karin M. Reed, co-author of Suddenly Virtual:...