Top Diversity Blogs

Some 6.7 million people publish blogs on blogging platforms, and another 12 million write blogs using their social networks –– and most are women. We’ve sifted for some of the most informative for DW readers.

Afrobella is Patrice Grell Yursik’s artful blog dedicated to product reviews, ruminations about culture, music, and style, and interviews with women all shades of beautiful.

Disgrasian features Jen Wang and Diana Nguyen’s irreverent and sassy posts on Asian identity, diversity, politics, the arts, and other topics.

Awesomely Luvvie offers humorous pop culture commentary filtered through the eyes of Lovette “Luvvie” Ajayi.

Diversity Best Practices blogs track the latest developments on issues relevant to women; the gay, lesbian, and transgender community; people with disabilities; and others.


AdvancingWomen Diversity provides career resources for women, diverse racial groups, multinationals, and other minority business managers and entrepreneurs.


Women Grow Business, edited by Tinu Abayomi-Paul, invites women entrepreneurs and businesswomen to share their experiences on leadership, success, failure, marketing, social tech, talent retention, and more.