Not everyone can take two years off work to go back to school full-time. Executive MBA (EMBA) programs let professional women pursue a master’s in business administration while juggling busy personal and professional lives. Some programs require monthly on-campus visits, and some are 100 percent online,...

What differentiates women leaders from the pack? A study by researchers from the University of Rhode Island College of Business Administration, the University of Oxford Saïd Business School, and the School of Business and Management at Queen Mary University of London sought to find out. Researchers...

Are you deluged by an ever-expanding to-do list? For better or worse, everybody is these days....

I am often asked, “How is business?” While I am very optimistic, the best answer comes to me in the memory of a turbulent flight I was on recently. As the plane shook and bucked in the air, we all fastened our seatbelts and tried to...