Self Care

5 Minutes with Alexis Vrotsos Click here to view the full digital copy of this issue.   As the chief people officer for Olumo, Alexis Vrotsos aims to know what makes employees happy. Olumo, based in Pleasant Grove, Utah, is a consulting agency that works with companies to...

Lauren Chelec Cafritz discovered the power of breath work in her 20s, when she was experiencing anxiety and other health conditions.   During her first breathwork session, “I could feel a panic attack coming on. My breath worker said, ‘Emotions are just energy in motion. It’s okay to relax and...

Why Helping Others Can Help You More  Between the pandemic, the economic crisis, and the social unrest we have experienced in the last 12 months, we have seen no shortage of fellow Americans who could use a helping hand.  While you may be tempted to turn the...

A guide for keeping our cognitive abilities sharp as we age At 44, Sujata Venkateswaran has a tough time spontaneously recalling information and retaining it. Sometimes she blanks out on familiar facts and names. There are moments when she forgets where she kept certain things, big and...

Aging isn't easy, but I have too much life left to not fully take care of my body. Click here to view the full digital copy of this issue.   I grew up without a body. Well, I had one, but I barely noticed because, in my world,...

Boost Your Immune System with a Dose of Happiness We all strive for happiness. It nurtures the heart, mind, and soul. And here’s one more reason to be happy: a brighter mood can improve your physical health. Researchers at the University of Virginia and the University of...