
Learning How to Wield Gracious Power Prof. Sukhvinder Obhi Power is a central feature in contemporary news headlines, and social commentators constantly analyze its corrupting effects. Often, the corrupting power that they refer to is wielded by men and, in particular, white men. Given this, it’s easy...

The masculine culture in the tech industry is often cited as a root cause of the gender gap in representation. by Katherine Giscombe,PhD At Catalyst, we work with a range of corporations and firms, and we know that women in tech-intensive industries face many challenges in advancing—or even...

Shows such as Bull, Mr. Robot, and Orphan Black represent supercool women as techies. by Marilyn Nagel Women are in the minority in senior roles in every industry and are even less represented in STEM fields. Further, women’s progress in STEM fields is not as swift as in others, such...

Women and men of color often pay an “emotional tax” at work, feeling in a constant state of being “on guard.” Katherine Giscombe, PhD Do you ever find yourself preparing to deal with potential bias, discrimination, or exclusion at work? What about bracing for insults...

Much of the latest data on women rising to the C-suite in tech companies is less than upbeat. For example, a recent study by the Silicon Valley Bank reported that 57 percent of US tech start-ups have no women in executive positions and 71 percent...

The women who bear the brunt of explicit bias tend to be lower-wage workers The theme of this year’s Diversity Woman conference, “100 Years Is Too Long For Gender Equality,” expresses the impatience that many of us feel regarding the slow path toward achieving gender equality...