
Our community has dealt with overt and covert biases for generations. It shouldn’t have to take tragedies for the corporate world to see us. By Jane Hyun The model minority myth paints Asian Americans as an achieving, hard-working, and docile demographic that’s overcome barriers to garner success in life....

Changing the world's mindset about women will only happen when we, as women, truly begin to support one another. By Cathleen Trigg-Jones Click here to view the PDF of this article.      ...

by Trudy Bourgeois   White women are the biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action, and they haven’t acknowledged it. Organizations have lulled themselves into thinking that they have made more progress on diversity than they actually have because they are not disaggregating the data showing that women of...

Throughout her career, Ruth Bader Ginsberg fought for us, working women. This diminutive woman was called the “Thurgood Marshall of the women’s rights movement” as she, perhaps more than anyone else, advanced the rights of women in the workplace. She fought for us so we...

by Dr. Dnika J. Travis The idea that there aren’t enough women in the pipeline for tech jobs is a myth that hides structural barriers to advancement. “We have robust pipelines and opportunities to create more,” said Allyson Kapin, founder of Women Who Tech, in a 2019 Quartz article on...

ea.com “What are you doing to champion women’s advancement in the workplace?” Olga Bondarenko  Command Center Analyst • Ireland • I advocate for equity and access for women of all abilities, raise awareness of common workplace challenges, and partner with employee resource groups to build a diverse and inclusive workplace. Mala...