
When I heard Barbara Walters say those words on 20/20 last week, I got goosebumps. I mean, a billionaire, who buys failing companies and turns them around—because she wants to save jobs? This had to be one special person. ...

I learned that success is about access to opportunities. I also became aware that people often have unequal access to opportunity, and changing that has been part of my life’s mission....

When we think of diversity, we think of race, gender, sexual orientation, and age. But as we try to include the contributions of an increasingly competitive workforce, we must ensure that everyone has a voice, including the one-third of us who are introverts. “Introversion is different from shyness,” says Susan Cain, author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking. “It’s not a fear of negative judgment; it’s a preference for quiet stimulation.”

I am often asked, “How is business?” While I am very optimistic, the best answer comes to me in the memory of a turbulent flight I was on recently. As the plane shook and bucked in the air, we all fastened our seatbelts and tried to...

Are men and women’s leadership styles really all that different? We take a look at the latest research to find out....