Boost Your Brain’s Hardware and Software for Ultimate Focus to Get Things Done
s p e a k e r : Daneen West | Certified Coach, Brain Health
Sometimes it’s hard for your brain to focus and get things done. This session is to help you discover how to heal, protect, and grow your brain for more focus, better sleep, and less anxiety. Brain Health Coach, Daneen West started her career in the high-stress always-on technology industry.
It wasn’t until she had a growing family that she realized she was perpetually on the verge of burnout that had mental wellness implications for her family. After a lot of searching and trial and error, Daneen found that brain health is often the root cause and best treatment for relief. Daneen is an advocate for brain health and teaches how to make brain health part of your day for mental wellness and physical health.
Participants will discover what up-levels their brain quickly and leave the session with a plan based on the Brain-Boosting checklist and the latest research from sources such as the Amen Clinics and NeuroLeadership Institute.