Healthy You at Every Age
s p e a k e r : Dr. Nancy D. O’Reilly | International Philanthropist, Celebrated Author, and Motivational Speaker, Women Connect4Good
How do you feel about getting older? That question that launched a movement and remains as relevant today as it was a generation ago when Dr. Nancy D. O’Reilly first asked it to over 1,500 study participants for her 2008 book, Timeless Women Speak. As she prepares to survey today’s women about many of the same issues to see how we have changed (or not), she has plenty of strategies to share that can help women master the emotional, psychological, and physical impacts of aging. Recognizing that nearly half of all women are fearful and unprepared to meet the challenges of growing older, Dr. Nancy will guide participants beyond Instagram highlight reels that are photoshopped for perfection to move through every phase of their lives with confidence and will share tips to help them stay healthy, vibrant, and productive at every age!