Leisel Whitlock

Artist and Lifestyle Coach

Leisel Whitlock Petersen is an adventurous failure, artist, dreamer, farming enthusiast, passionate cookie lover, and non-profit professional with more than 17 years of fundraising, volunteer management, program administration, and audience engagement experience. Currently, she is the California Regional Director for Girls Leadership. A national educational non-profit that teaches girls to exercise the power of their voice through programs grounded in social-emotional learning. Whitlock has an undergraduate degree in Fine Art from Georgia State University and a Masters in Arts Policy and Administrations from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She was an Alameda County Arts Commissioner for eight years and currently sits on the board of the Foundation for the Arts in Alameda County. Leisel is the editor of the fourth coming periodical InSitu and the anthology Cocktails for Breakfast. Leisel lives in California with her husband, two sons, and a dog named Jackie Chiles.

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