Janeen Anderson 

Mindfulness Facilitator, Owner | LUVJOY Studios Yoga & Wellness

Janeen Anderson is a Mindfulness Facilitator and owner of LUVJOY Studios, offering yoga and Mindful Photography experiences to women around the world. She is a 200-HR Registered Yoga Teacher and focuses on integrating mindfulness practices and wellness philosophy into client photography experiences as well as movement practices that empower women to witness and embody Divine Bliss, Alignment, and Power. Utilizing a Humanistic and Eastern Psychology approach, she offers her community experiences that foster increased relaxation, self-awareness, compassion, and inner peace while strengthening the body, mind, and soul so that we may flow more freely and bend more beautifully on and off the mat.

Website: https://www.luvjoyyoga.com/  

Facebook/Instagram: @thejourneywithjaneen @luvjoystudios 

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