Ericka D. Hines

Principal of Every Level Leadership

Ericka Hines,  principal of Every Level Leadership, has committed the last ten years to help organizations build equity culture. She has worked with government agencies, nonprofits, and foundations across the country to help their staff and stakeholders learn how to work in more inclusive cultures. To date, she has trained over 8,000 individuals in skills that will help them be more inclusive, equitable, and skilled leaders for their teams and organizations. She has also served as a lead researcher and a contributing author to the national publication: Awake to Woke to Work: Building a Race Equity Culture published in 2018 by Equity in the Center. Clients have included the Promise Venture Studios, The Climate Service, Join For Justice, ProInspire, Equity in the Center, Save The Children, National Human Services Assembly, Urban Institute, Friends Committee on National Legislation and the National Civilian Conservation Corps. She holds a Juris Doctor from the University Of Georgia School Of Law and a B.A. Political Science from Wright State University.

Peer Discussion Topic: Resilience to Vitality