Very few women run billion-dollar global companies. Revathi Advaithi’s remarkable rise from the shop floor to CEO of a billion-dollar manufacturing company has been fueled by determination, a gift for connecting with people, and, most of all, the willingness to take risks Very few women run billion-dollar...

Yoga instructor, author, and fierce advocate Jessamyn Stanley is a reluctant role model for the "body liberation" movement By Jackie Krentzman Click here to view the digital copy of this issue.   In 2018, Jessamyn Stanley and a cofounder launched the subscription-based streaming yoga instruction and wellness app, The...

If Black women are to advance in the workplace, they will need the assistance of their male allies—such as this outstanding group By Jackie Krentzman Black women recognize that they carry a burden of having to be twice as good as anyone else to get ahead. That...