Travel Savvy

Cami Zimmer is a chronic overpacker. The Minneapolis-based exec crisscrosses the country several times a month and never knows exactly what the weather will be like where she’s headed. But juggling more than two bags filled with backup outfits and accessories can be cumbersome....

Dining etiquette is often overlooked, but can make or break your career. Our guide to dining right....

Nowadays, flying high at a lower cost has never been easier—if you’re willing to do the work. In large part because of the current recession, there has been a surge of websites and online services dedicated to penny-pinching, last-minute travelers. And they’re not serving only...

The moment of truth arrives when you’re handed the wine list. Your colleague is on the left, an important new client on the right, and you’re in charge of choosing the wine. Don’t let the sweat beads ruin your designer dress. Selecting a bottle to pair with the meal should be simple. First, realize that women are the majority of wine buyers and consumers in the United States, so you come from a position of strength. You will make a good impression if you order confidently. But what do you do when the mere mention of Cabernet causes concern?

The first time Valerie Blum traveled to Tokyo for work, when her Japanese counterpart handed her his business card, she unthinkingly took it and stuck it in her purse without so much as a glance. “I knew from the raised eyebrow I got from my boss...