Companies Stepping Up to Advance Black Leadership

Many corporations have voiced their commitment to advancing Black talent since the racial reckoning. However, these 10 companies have announced specific goals to which they can be held accountable.

Accenture: The professional services company pledges to increase the percentage of Black employees from 9 percent to 12 percent and increase the percentage of Black managing directors from 2.8 percent to 4.4 percent by 2025.

Facebook: The social media company says it expects to have 30 percent more Black employees in leadership positions by 2025.

Google: The tech giant pledges to improve Black representation at senior levels and to fill 30 percent more leadership positions with those from underrepresented groups by 2025.

Hewlett-Packard: The tech company plans to double the number of Black executives and double the Black promotion rates by 2025.

Johnson & Johnson: With Black employees making up only 8 percent of its workforce, the pharmaceutical company pledges to have 50 percent more Black vice presidents and managers by 2025.

Mastercard: The financial payments company is focusing on Black employees at the VP level and above, projecting to grow their representation by 50 percent by 2025.

Microsoft: The tech giant is investing an additional $150 million in D&I efforts and plans to double the number of Black managers and senior leaders by 2025.

Nike: Athletic-wear company plans to have 30 percent more people of color at the director level or above by 2025.

PepsiCo: The beverage company pledges that Black managers will make up 10 percent of their workforce by 2025. It also plans to add at least 100 Black associates to the executive ranks and more than 250 Black associates to managerial positions by that time.

Uber: The ride-sharing company announced plans to double Black representation in positions at the director level and above by 2025.