The Office
Do I Have to Keep Up with My Boss’s Work Hours? Dear DW, The head of sales promotion at my firm is a self-proclaimed early bird, churning out emails at 7 a.m. Do I need to keep up to be seen as a team player? Signed, Late Bird Losing...
Do I Have to Keep Up with My Boss’s Work Hours? Dear DW, The head of sales promotion at my firm is a self-proclaimed early bird, churning out emails at 7 a.m. Do I need to keep up to be seen as a team player? Signed, Late Bird Losing...
Dear DW, I am a cisgender woman. Should I add “she/her” to the signature in my email? Signed, Want to Be an Ally Dear Ally, Specifying gender pronouns as a cisgender woman sends a signal of inclusivity, says Nancy J. Geenan, chief executive officer of Flexability, a workplace equity...
Dear DW, I am accused of being aggressive at work. I feel like I am just being assertive. How can I get heard and accepted? Signed, Wrongfully Labeled Dear Wrongfully, “Aggressive” is a label commonly used to describe Black women who voice their opinions about something or raise awareness about...
Dear DW, How do I respond to a microaggression that is said in a group setting? I’m comfortable responding in a one-on-one situation, but I normally just sit there when other people are around, hoping someone else says something. Signed, Tongue-Tied Dear Tongue-Tied, Microaggressions are subtle statements or actions...
Dear DW, My colleagues and I are returning to the workplace, and I am worried that people I used to hug will still hug me. Though I am vaccinated, I don’t feel safe with that level of intimacy yet. How should I handle this? Signed, Hesitant Hugger Dear...
Dear DW, Now that I’m working from home, I find that I’m always expected to be “open for business.” How can I appropriately set limits with my colleagues who want to meet at all hours of the day? Signed, Ready to Close Up Shop Dear Ready, While technology has...