In the quest for pay parity, here are five steps women can take to increase their earning trajectory By Janet Heit When Marilyn Loden coined the term glass ceiling in 1978, American women earned, on average, 60 cents for every dollar earned by white men. By 2022,...

When apologizing is the right thing to do, make it count By Janet Heit Sorry I’m late. I was in another meeting.” “Sorry. May I suggest . . .” “Sorry I’m talking so much.” Do these phrases sound familiar to you? Many women are so used to apologizing that they don’t...

Volunteers make the world a better place—and they can see career benefits along the way By Kimberly Olson Have you considered pitching in at your local food bank? Becoming a weekend coach for a job-training nonprofit? Offering your social media skills pro bono to an environmental group? Volunteering for...

The Dos and Don’ts of Asking for a Raise By Janet Heit Sharanya Prasad,* a 32-year-old senior director at a media organization, did not ask for a raise at her prior workplace. Like many women, she believed the notion that the workplace was a meritocracy, that her excellence...

Taking a risk can be scary. But avoiding taking a risk can hold back your career. Here’s how to make the leap successfully. By Lydia T. Blanco Being risk averse in the workplace and in business can cost more than people realize or bargain for. That’s especially...

Consulting after a career spent in the office By Kimberly Olson You’ve embarked on a well-trodden path to success—earned your degree, landed a challenging job, excelled on key projects. But despite your hard work, you feel dissatisfied. Perhaps you’re getting passed over for promotions. Or your ideas are...