Safeguard your identity—both online and off! By Alexandra Kay Seventy percent of American consumers say they worry about identity theft and credit card hacking, according to a recent Gallup research poll. And with all the recent news about hacks—especially the latest at credit bureau firm Equifax—it’s hard...

How to buy shoes for running, walking, cross-training, and hiking By Anna Marrian With so many options available, buying a new athletic shoe can be exciting, overwhelming, or if you’re picky, just excruciating. I want a shoe that’s not too heavy, lest I feel like a lumbering antelope, but...

Opening doors to pave the way for women in tech Female start-up founders received a mere 2 percent of venture capital dollars in 2017, according to financial data company PitchBook. Priyanka Chopra, the Bollywood superstar actress known for her roles in the movie Baywatch and the ABC...

[caption id="attachment_8187" align="alignleft" width="300"] BE041B[/caption] Oh what a difference 20 years can make, particularly in technology. In 1998, few of us could have imagined we’d be watching videos on a tablet-size screen that fits in a purse or tracking our steps and heart rate with a...

Making strides for better health By Linda Childers If you’re hoping to lose weight or improve your health, don’t be surprised if your doctor says forget CrossFit or even jogging—instead, lace up your tennis shoes and go for a walk. Sure, we’ve all heard about the myriad benefits...

Some of the rules of exercising need a serious update By Antonia Rodriguez The goal is simple: Exercise regularly to stay healthy. The US government’s Physical Activity Guidelines state, “When adults do the equivalent of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week, the benefits are substantial. These...