We’re at our keyboards way too much, and, let’s face it, the lure of the Internet is irresistible. How do you minimize your computer time and stay focused on tasks? Leo Babauta, creator of zenhabits.net offers these suggestions: 1. Disconnect. When you want to focus on a...

Jamaican-born Jackie Glenn sees diversity and inclusion as critical to the success of global companies. That’s why at EMC, the world’s leading developer and provider of information infrastructure technology and solutions, she’s infusing these two elements into the very fabric of the company’s business. Diversity Woman...

Dear DW, Can you give me some guidelines about e-mail etiquette at work? What types of things should I avoid saying? Signed, Careful Communicator Dear Careful Communicator, E-mail etiquette expert Judith Kallos (www.businessemailetiquette.com) says if there’s one cardinal rule to follow when composing an e-mail, it’s this: Ask yourself, “Would...

Over the last 10 years Chief Diversity Officers have made great strides in reshaping the corporate landscape Not so long ago, merely mentioning that companies should take diversity and inclusion into account when hiring would raise eyebrows. But that started to change in 1987, when the...