Break the E-mail Addiction
Do you respond to the "ping" of incoming email the way Paris Hilton responds to a camera? Although it may be tempting to check your e-mail every few minutes - don't....
Do you respond to the "ping" of incoming email the way Paris Hilton responds to a camera? Although it may be tempting to check your e-mail every few minutes - don't....
Sherry Snipes, director, Diversity & Inclusion, American Institute of Architects • “People of different backgrounds put a diverse lens on the creative process by—consciously or subconsciously—creating designs that reflect individual influences. ...
From foster care to CEO—Alicia Morga defies the odds and launches a marketing firm for the Latino market....
In 2010, 104 million women in 59 countries—representing more than 52 percent of the world’s population––started and managed new business ventures....
Robby Gregg, a leadership development and diversity thought leader, talks frankly about trends in workplace diversity today....
These three leaders are so passionate about helping others that they made the nonprofit world the center of their careers and, in many respects, their lives....