Throughout her extraordinary life, Dr. Johnnetta B. Cole has not only reached for the sun but has shone that light on others by Jackie Krentzman Photography by “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is,‘what are you doing for others?’”— Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. Johnnetta B....

An unhappy job situation can be turned to your advantage [caption id="attachment_6874" align="alignleft" width="150"] Dead end road sign against a stormy background with lightning and copy space. Dirty and angled sign adds to the drama.[/caption] By Tamara E. Holmes When Dele Lowman Smith landed her first job at...

Creating strong teams at Zurich North America By Kimberly Olson Early in Brian Little’s career, conversations with senior leaders caused something to click. “What I really liked at that time was being able to talk to a CEO or CFO,” he says. “I enjoyed learning about their...

by Trudy Bourgeois Millennials. I recently read a quote about millennials by futurist Mal Fletcher that struck a chord with me. He said, “Millennials aspire to marry the blue skies thinking of the boomers with the grassroots mind-set of Gen X.” Sounds amazing, huh? It sounds amazing...

[caption id="attachment_6836" align="alignleft" width="216"] Businesspeople in elevator[/caption] It used to be that you only needed an elevator pitch if you were actually pitching something—a project, a start-up, yourself as a job candidate. But these days, as every workplace gets more entrepreneurial and networking becomes more important,...

Back in the mid-’90s, buyers of business books were scrambling to understand how the Internet and the tech-centric culture of Silicon Valley would transform their work lives. Amid all the turbulence and change, they were also ready to laugh at dysfunctional workplaces: not one, but...