Assume positive intent, in spite of holding opposing views. The 2016 postelection season in the United States has brought an increase in reports of hate speech and bias-based actions. Many people of color and others from diverse communities are feeling unsafe. Those at the intersection of...

Bloomberg’s Agent of Change Two years ago, Erika Irish Brown became the first chief diversity 
officer for the business and financial information and news company Bloomberg. With a background primarily in investment banking and capital markets, she brings a longtime passion for diversity and inclusion to...

By Kandia Johnson If you’ve got business in what may be this country’s most multimonikered city—Chi-town, also known as the City of Broad Shoulders, the Windy City, Second City, and That Toddlin’ Town—be sure to make time to play as well as work: Chicago’s beguiling leisure...

[caption id="attachment_6912" align="alignleft" width="240"] Hotel room or apartment doorway with key and keyring key fob in open door and bedroom in background[/caption] Handy dos and don’ts for your next overseas business trip By Sara J. Welch Before Sara Bratell, a Swedish journalist, traveled to Rio de Janeiro last...

Tips and Tricks for Savvy Online Shopping By Alexandra Kay You can’t beat the ease and convenience of online shopping, and Americans know it. Sixty-nine percent of us shop online at least monthly, and a third of us do it every week. We hit the Web to...

How Does Gender Diversity Fit into Your D&I Strategy? Diversity Woman asked nine diversity and inclusion leaders to describe their organization’s D&I initiatives for 2017 and beyond. Dr. Rohini Anand Sodexo Senior Vice President, Corporate Responsibility, and Global Chief Diversity Officer True to its mission of improving the quality of...