How to cash in on your Distinctive Uniqueness Regina Huber Have you ever caught yourself wanting to be perfect? That’s not surprising. 
We women are raised to please, juggle multiple roles, be polished and patient, magically add extra hours to the day when 24 are not enough, and, on...

[caption id="attachment_7400" align="alignleft" width="200"] questionnaire and computer mouse, concept of online voting[/caption] Gain valuable insights to improve your company culture Maybe you run a small company or manage a department in a Fortune 1000 corporation. In either case, one way you can recruit and retain talent and...

Slowly, but surely, corporate boards are diversifying Since 2004, the Alliance for Board Diversity (ABD) has been working to diversify corporate boards. Diverse boards enhance shareholder value, according to the ABD reports. In 2017, in collaboration with Deloitte, ABD released the Missing Pieces Report, a census of 492...

Because she couldn’t find a bag both stylish and functional, Lau founded her own handbag company Joanna Lau has never been one to wallow in the status quo. Even as a youngster, she prized standing out over fitting in. “I grew up in a family that always...

[caption id="attachment_7377" align="alignleft" width="300"] Shot of a young woman taking a break during a demanding day at work[/caption] Letting go is hard. But once you learn how, your career will reap the benefits. It’s a natural tendency to want to do everything ourselves. However, in the workplace (and...

Dear DW, My boss and some coworkers often use language in the workplace I find offensive. How do I best manage the situation without bringing about a backlash? Signed, I’m Really Not a Prude Dear Not a Prude, Coarse language in the workplace can be challenging to address. Someone may...