Message From Matt Smith, Chief Human Resources Officer, Intel: After nearly 22 years of service to Intel, Rosalind (Roz) Hudnell, Vice President of Human Resources, Director of Corporate Affairs (CAG) and President of the Intel Foundation has announced her retirement effective June 1st. I would...

Soon, millennials will outnumber baby boomers in the workplace. Here’s how both generations can adjust—and thrive. By Brittany Shoot Julia Ritchey learns a lot from her baby boomer colleagues, especially those she oversees. Ritchey is a millennial and the managing editor of KUER 90.1 FM, National Public...

Diversity Pirate: The first chief diversity officer for the advertising giant TBWA/North America credits Magic Johnson, a pirates’ attitude, and passion for his deep dive into diversity and inclusion. By Erika Mailman Doug Melville eats, sleeps, breathes diversity. When asked how he relaxes at home, the first...

This Latin Grammy executive embraces a multitude of musical and business styles By Katrina Brown Hunt Davina Aryeh acknowledges that the latest initiative at the Latin Grammy Awards could not have come at a more appropriate time. The new Leading Ladies program, which Aryeh helped launch as...

Creating a paradigm where women have equal power by Sandra Beach Lin Workplace issues that used to be saved for watercooler talk and private conversations—from sexual harassment to the pay gap—are now becoming headlines. The common thread through all these stories is the lack of powerwomen have...

A young entrepreneur creates Ethiopiaís Sesame Street to address children's issues Bruktawit Tigabu has spent her adult life helping others. Born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and married to an American, she is CEO and cofounder of Whiz Kids Workshop, a company that spearheads innovative literacy programming...