As entrepreneur Star Cunningham demonstrates, personal need often launches the best ideas By Ruchika Tulshyan Star Cunningham wants you to know that women can build billion-dollar companies. She also wants you to know that health-care professionals do eat pizza. Occasionally. The Chicago-based founder and CEO of 4D Healthware,...

by Katherine Giscombe,PhD Feeling exhausted all the time? Can’t sleep? Stressed out? Most people would probably say “yes” to all of the above. But does race have anything to do with it? Could the fact that you are a person of color somehow impact you differently?...

Should you try Paleo or Atkins, Whole30 or maybe even go vegan to lose weight? The expertsí answers may surprise you. By Paula Derrow On paper, losing weight looks like an easy proposition—eat less, exercise more, and voilà, you’re back into your skinny jeans before you know...

Six tips for creating and following a financial plan By Mindy Charski Will you have enough money to achieve the financial goals that are important to you? It can be an overwhelming question, but writing out a financial plan can make it less daunting and set you...

[caption id="attachment_7585" align="alignleft" width="300"] businesswoman with arms outstretched holding smart phone in front of skyscrapers, low angle.[/caption] As discussion of gender equity hits the workplace, thereís some good news! Here are five companies that are relentlessly working to level the playing field and narrow the leadership...

[caption id="attachment_7581" align="alignleft" width="225"] Creativity ConceptCreativity Concept[/caption] A successful career requires that we continually take advantage of learning opportunities, within our organizations, within our fieldsóand within ourselves By Erin Chan Ding A dozen years into her career with a multinational corporation, Marianne Markowitz grew restless. She had the financial...