Women leaders are uniquely positioned to drive change By Heather Boerner When Christine Candio started as a bedside nurse 33 years ago, the roles were clear—and segregated by gender. Most physicians were men and most nurses were women. And the hierarchy between the two was strict. “If a...

In its quest to achieve gender parity in corporate leadership, Paradigm  for Parity set what can be considered an audacious goal—50-50 gender parity by 2030 By Jackie Krentzman When Ellen Kullman was in engineering school, some professors would say to her, “You’re the only woman who has...

Making strides for better health By Linda Childers If you’re hoping to lose weight or improve your health, don’t be surprised if your doctor says forget CrossFit or even jogging—instead, lace up your tennis shoes and go for a walk. Sure, we’ve all heard about the myriad benefits...

Some of the rules of exercising need a serious update By Antonia Rodriguez The goal is simple: Exercise regularly to stay healthy. The US government’s Physical Activity Guidelines state, “When adults do the equivalent of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week, the benefits are substantial. These...

Much of the latest data on women rising to the C-suite in tech companies is less than upbeat. For example, a recent study by the Silicon Valley Bank reported that 57 percent of US tech start-ups have no women in executive positions and 71 percent...

Entrepreneur leverages the power of technology to improve health outcomes Yuting Su has always focused on helping people, but her methods for doing so have changed—and dramatically. The 30-year-old, who is originally from Taiwan, once worked in a hospital as a respiratory therapist. In that job,...