Elise Peters Carey has blazed her own trail—and is poised to take over as CEO of her family’s considerable business holdings by Carolyn M. Brown Growing up, Elise Peters Carey observed her parents in their business endeavors when she would accompany them to work. She has a...

Reginald J. Miller, VF’s head of global inclusion and diversity, is a former US Army sergeant who knows what it takes for diverse teams to succeed While growing up in Osceola, Arkansas—a region where the economy suffered and the racial divides were blatant—Reginald J. Miller was...

Kaiser VP Shakeya McDow has parlayed a variety of experiences—from IT to banquet sales—into her current role in the upper echelons of the health-care giant’s leadership pyramid. By Janell Hazelwood When Shakeya McDow, vice president of ethics and compliance strategy, intelligence, and operations at Kaiser Permanente, was...

Learning How to Wield Gracious Power Prof. Sukhvinder Obhi Power is a central feature in contemporary news headlines, and social commentators constantly analyze its corrupting effects. Often, the corrupting power that they refer to is wielded by men and, in particular, white men. Given this, it’s easy...

“A job description is more than just a list of responsibilities,” says Samantha Spano, senior marketing manager at Pittsburgh-based recruiting solutions provider JazzHR. “It lets potential employees know what’s expected of them, tells them where their role fits into the organization, 
and is a valuable performance  management tool.” Select the right...

Kiera Please started posting about hair and fashion on Instagram in 2012, with the goal of simply expressing herself online. But as she noticed an uptick in followers, the 24-year-old soon realized her self-expression was a tangible business asset. Having majored in advertising at Virginia Commonwealth University,...