Sponsors add value to your career in a deeper way than mentors. Here’s how to find the right person. By Sheryl Nance-Nash Women, especially women of color, face challenges when trying to successfully navigate the world of work alone. There’s nothing like having a mentor, but that’s...

Cofounder Milena Berry’s PowerToFly helps top companies, from tech start-ups to the Fortune 500, connect with talented women [vc_separator type='transparent' position='center' color='' thickness='' up='25' down='25'] Milena Berry grew up in Bulgaria, during the country’s final years under Communism. As a kid, she loved challenging herself. Watching a...

Power Suit: Kathleen Wilson-Thompson A desire to look out for the interests of others led Kathleen Wilson-Thompson to her calling By Carolyn M. Brown Kathleen Wilson-Thompson grew up in the 1970s in Saginaw, Michigan, which was a booming General Motors town where Blacks were able to acquire gainful...

by Trudy Bourgeois   White women are the biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action, and they haven’t acknowledged it. Organizations have lulled themselves into thinking that they have made more progress on diversity than they actually have because they are not disaggregating the data showing that women of...

Tackling Homelessness One City at a Time After San Francisco native Tiffany Pang graduated from Yale, she noticed a change in the neighborhoods she had grown up in. “We saw this sharp rise in gentrification,” the 30-year-old says. However, along with it came a rise in...

Five ways to protect yourself from hackers by Mindy Charski You’re not the US government or a global corporation, but that doesn’t mean your computer and the information on it wouldn’t interest cybercriminals. In fact, with so many ways to profit off you, hackers have many reasons to be...