The start-up veteran made life easier for moms when she launched a company while taking time off to be with her children By Katrina Brown Hunt In 2011, Lynn Perkins took a break from the tech world to spend quality time with her small kids. In doing...

How African American women can thrive and succeed in today’s workplace Katherine Giscombe, PhD When my research team and I at Catalyst investigated African American women in corporate environments in the mid-2000s, we noted the phenomenon of their “outsider-within” status. By remaining conscious that they were outsiders...

By Tanisha A. Sykes During the holiday season, Jackie Taylor, an HR exec at Ernst & Young and a single mother living in central New Jersey, packs up her five kids, ages 7 to 14, and heads to Manhattan. The kids are full of glee because...

Hate networking? Here’s how to make it less onerous—and more rewarding. By Sheryl Nance-Nash   What is it about networking that sometimes makes it seems more a necessary evil than a smart (sometimes even fun!) strategy for moving your career, business, or personal life forward? Maybe you think you...

Susan Johnson, SunTrust’s CMO, initially stumbled into the field—and is now a respected and innovative corporate marketing guru By Sheryl Nance-Nash Sometimes you don’t have to look beyond your own backyard for inspiration. That was certainly the case for Susan Johnson. Her mother, who emigrated from Jamaica...

As the first female president of the University College of the Cayman Islands, Dr. McAfee arrives with a bold vision By Kimerley Olson As a child, Stacy McAfee loved to pretend that she was a teacher. As she got older, she was equally drawn to business. Happily, she...