Meet Shaunice Hawkins, an accomplished diversity executive who is is ready to take your questions. Hawkins is the founder and chief executive officer of Evolutions Consulting, LLC, a business consulting boutique specializing in improving efficiencies, maximizing effectiveness, aligning strategies, promoting brand visibility and strengthening consumer engagement. Having...

It’s the plain truth that we’re all busier than ever before. Need proof? Just look at your own life. Chances are you’re always in a rush, and you are constantly nagged by the notion you’ve forgotten to do something, but you’re not sure what it...

Dear DW, Only one other Bengali woman works for my company, and we’d like to get together socially. But we wonder if we’d be viewed as separating ourselves. How can we connect without seeming to self-segregate? Signed, Socially (Self-)Conscious Dear Socially (Self-)Conscious, You might want to approach this by thinking about two types of socializing: private and public. In your private socializing, you should feel free to get together with whomever you wish and not worry about what the “neighbors” think. This is your own time, and you deserve to be with the people you gravitate toward. If that means communing with your Bengali compatriot, it shouldn’t be a problem. So do as many dinners, barbecues, parties, evenings out, shopping trips, and the like as you want.

When Saman Dias was growing up in her native Sri Lanka, she could often be spotted with a first aid kit, tending to others. Noticing her caring nature, her family urged her to study medicine. But as microcomputers began entering Sri Lanka, she discovered that...

When delegating is done well, 
employees feel engaged and empowered to do meaningful work. Workplace performance improves, and productivity increases....

Ria Stern came to Korean fiber company, Hyosung, in 2005 as its North American marketing director, and since May of 2008 has been the global marketing and brand director....